Welcome to 22 Moments!
Explore blog posts featuring my photography alongside genuine narratives behind my images. As a Florida-based photographer, I frequently venture into the wild to capture the beauty of nature and wildlife. Join me on photographic adventures through my posts. Let's celebrate the beauty of life together! - Laura S.
Wildlife at Circle B Bar Reserve
Wildlife at Circle B Bar Reserve. Pause, observe, and appreciate the natural world.
Nature Never Rests
Circle B Bar Reserve hums with life. From gator babies squeaking like sci-fi lasers to Sandhill Cranes etching synchronized paths across the sky. The marsh is full of motion.
Spotting Painted Buntings at Celery Fields
A journey of over 100 miles led me to Celery Fields, where vibrant Painted Buntings stole the show. Often called North America’s most beautiful bird, I was lucky to capture both a dazzling male and a vivid female. Alongside them, feeders buzzed with life - grackles, warblers, gnatcatchers! Also stopped by the Purple Martin house.