Welcome to 22 Moments!
Explore blog posts featuring my photography alongside genuine narratives behind my images. As a Florida-based photographer, I frequently venture into the wild to capture the beauty of nature and wildlife. Join me on photographic adventures through my posts. Let's celebrate the beauty of life together! - Laura S.
The Best Stick Wins
As nesting season unfolds, Great Blue Herons select mates based on intricate courtship rituals. By early March, nests brim with eggs, signaling the next generation of herons in the making. Don't miss the rare photo of a heron swallowing a three-foot salamander—it's nature at its most fascinating!
The Hooting Season
In February, I immersed myself in the world of a Great Horned Owl family at Circle B Bar Reserve. These birds started their family journey as early as December. Welcoming a precious owlet in January, I became a privileged observer of their growth and familial bonds. As their story unfolds, my hope resonates for the continued thriving legacy of this remarkable owl family.
Wildlife at Circle B Bar Reserve
Wildlife at Circle B Bar Reserve. Pause, observe, and appreciate the natural world.
Nature Never Rests
Circle B Bar Reserve hums with life. From gator babies squeaking like sci-fi lasers to Sandhill Cranes etching synchronized paths across the sky. The marsh is full of motion.
Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks: Where Quacks Reign Supreme
Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks made a spirited entrance at Circle B, their distinctive calls echoing through the air. Capturing their playful antics proved to be a fun challenge, bringing both chaos and joy to the scene.
Winged Encounters at Circle B Bar Reserve
Evening visit at Circle B Bar Reserve in Lakeland, a former cattle ranch now restored to native wetland habitat.