Welcome to 22 Moments!
Explore blog posts featuring my photography alongside genuine narratives behind my images. As a Florida-based photographer, I frequently venture into the wild to capture the beauty of nature and wildlife. Join me on photographic adventures through my posts. Let's celebrate the beauty of life together! - Laura S.
Nature Never Rests
Circle B Bar Reserve hums with life. From gator babies squeaking like sci-fi lasers to Sandhill Cranes etching synchronized paths across the sky. The marsh is full of motion.
Beauty, Birds, and an Ethical Dilemma
A morning of birding at Emeralda Marsh Conservation Area brought some great wildlife encounters - a Barred Owl, a Snail Kite in action, and a juvenile Little Blue Heron that had me guessing. But an unsettling discovery about playback photography left me reflecting on the importance of respecting nature while capturing its beauty.
Birds of Robinson Preserve
Spotting a flock of elegant White Pelicans during their winter visit to Florida brought rare delight. These migratory birds exhibit unique feeding habits, preferring isolated areas away from open waters. The sighting of a pair of Great Horned Owls added a touch of enchantment, reaffirming the sanctuary status of Robinson Preserve.