Welcome to 22 Moments!
Explore blog posts featuring my photography alongside genuine narratives behind my images. As a Florida-based photographer, I frequently venture into the wild to capture the beauty of nature and wildlife. Join me on photographic adventures through my posts. Let's celebrate the beauty of life together! - Laura S.
The Pink Wave: Flamingos in Florida
After Hurricane Idalia in August 2023, flamingos were spotted in unexpected spots as far as Kansas. These elegant birds made a comeback with over 150 sightings in Florida over four weeks. Intrigued, I embarked on a kayaking expedition to photograph them. Venturing to Bird Island off Haulover Canal, I had thrilling moments, mistaking a dolphin for a shark and capturing Cormorants taking flight at sunrise. Encountering a flamboyance of flamingos with their unique feeding ritual, I'm left wondering: will they stay or leave, revealing their survival story in Florida's changing landscape.
Comedic Chronicles of Merritt Island NWR
At Merritt Island NWR, a gamble against gloomy weather, turned into natures own comedic show. Wading birds and ducks entertained with hilarious antics, from balancing acts to comedy routines. Nature, proving once again, that unexpected joy awaits those willing to embrace the outdoors.
Gliding in Elegance: Exploring the World of Black Skimmers
Encountering Florida's endangered Black Skimmers at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge was a rare privilege. Their distinctive foraging behavior captured my fascination.
White Pelicans: Florida’s Other Snowbird
Amidst the landscape of Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, the American White Pelicans took center stage. They flew in the skies and congregated in the marshes, creating an ambiance of tranquility and camaraderie.
So Many Birds, So Little Time: Merritt Island Wildlife Extravaganza
Returning to Merritt Island NWR felt like crashing a bird party during the winter migration season! From Wood Storks to the flamboyant Spoonbills, Pied-billed Grebes and White Pelicans, it was a wing-flapping fun.