White Pelicans: Florida’s Other Snowbird
With the cold grip of northern winters, migratory birds have been finding much needed solace in Florida’s embrace. But there's a special feathered guest who stole the spotlight during a recent visit to Merritt Island NWR – the American White Pelican. The American White Pelican is not only a beautiful seabird but also absolutely unmistakable. I was fortunate to come across several pods of them, all dressed to impress in a snowy-white ensemble, their wings tracing a dramatic outline of jet-black flight feathers.
And take flight they did! Looking up, I saw a squadron of about 20 American White Pelicans flying above me over me in a V-shaped formation. Each bird seemed to take its cue from the one in front of it, beginning to flap and starting a glide when its predecessor did. Off they went, soaring slowly and gracefully, disappearing and reappearing.
Moving through the refuge, I found them congregated in one of the estuaries. Unmistakable air of tranquility enveloped the scene as they preened and floated around, their gregarious nature overshadowing the hustle and bustle of other wading birds nearby. I managed to capture a few moments of solitude, as they floated about.
As the season shifts, The American White Pelicans will vanish from Florida, but the memory of their visit will continue to linger. Winter's elegance, takes flight in the most unexpected places, and White Pelicans sure know how to steal the show!